Friday, January 28, 2011

Legend of Zelda: Seeds of Darkness

Answers to questions based on:

1) How would you describe the level of engagement compared to more action oriented games from the same period?
This game felt more action oriented than usual Legend of Zelda games.  You're immediately thrust into the forest with a bomb behind you and a goal in mind.  This game definitely relies on past experience with the series.  Having to protect yourself and the bomb gave it a different experience, because Link usually runs around Hyrule alone, never having to worry too much about protecting something else in actual battle.

2) What role does setting and characterisation play in the game?
The intro immediately gives you your goal.  Based on past Legend of Zelda experiences, the game places you into a familiar role as the selfless hero.  It's come to be expected; Link is destined to do heroic stuff.  Keeping the game confined to the forest feels like a limitation on space more than anything.  The cliffhanger ending gives the player a sense that this adventure was just a small taste of what is to come.

3) How do spells, pickups and power-ups assist the game play?
The pickups (hearts) actually made me reluctant to seek them out.  The possibility of a trap was always there, and these traps turned out to be more dangerous than they appear.  This changed my style of play into a more cautious, defensive style.  I avoided as much damage as possible during my trek to the boss.  I simply did not want to risk unearthing a trap and coming out negative in terms of health.

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