Friday, January 28, 2011

WIP: Chess Game

Created by: Eduardo Sanchez, Lowell Villanueva, Joseph Miller

Game Objective: Score as many points as you can by stacking pawns on top of the king and knocking down his loyal and confused subjects.

Gameplay time average
Default setup time: 2 mins
Rounds: 1 min

Rules: Players place one King in the very center of the Chess board.  Arrange all pieces (except the other King and Pawns) around the board.  Players take turns stacking pawns of their color on top of the King to make an alternating color pattern.  Once the tower falls, players count how many pawns were stacked on top of the King and add bonus points for any of the King's subjects knocked over.
Queen: 5 points
Knights: 4 points
Bishops: 3 points
Rooks: 2 points
Pawns stacked: 1 point each

Play Turn Example:

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